When starting a new business, many entrepreneurs make the mistake of getting by with just a logo instead of making the investment in a more robust brand suite. While it’s possible to start a business this way, as total branding geeks and major believers in the power of a memorable brand, we highly recommend against it. Here’s why…
So you’ve dreamed up an awesome brand—given it a name, a story, and a backbone, and you’re ready to bring it to life. Graphic design offers endless possibilities to visually share your brand with the world, and we’ve compiled a suggested list of assets that you should think about having for your brand as you get started.
Summertime and the living is easy—long days spent in the sunshine, heat that warms the bones and hopefully a little extra time to spare to do the things we love. While this 2020 summer may look a little different than most of us pictured, there are still plenty of ways to make the most of this sweet season.
One summer activity that has always been a favorite for the both of us (that we’re thanking our lucky stars can still be done while staying safe and socially distanced!) is reading our days away by the pool. We’ve rounded up lists of our ultimate poolside reads—with Meghan’s full of literary fiction and Bridget’s jam-packed with thrillers—that we think you’ll love just as much as we did.
We’re just halfway through one of the most pivotal years in recent history and we’ve quickly realized that we’re living through times that will undoubtedly be learned in classrooms. It's an understatement to say much has happened in the past 6 months, with little to no downtime from what feels like the moment the clock struck midnight on January 1st. With groundbreaking news coming at us from every direction, there is one headline that deserves and demands our long overdue time and attention—BLACK LIVES MATTER.
As a creative house doing the majority of our daily work digitally, we are lucky to have the luxury to skip the office and spend our work days in the comfort of our home offices. While the work-from-home life isn’t necessarily best for every personality, we’ve grown to love it. With a lot of our friends and clients getting a taste of the work-from-home life these days, we wanted to round up a few of our best tips when it comes to productivity, routines and making the most of working from home.
As creatives, we spend a lot of time at the computer looking at screens and words and brand assets and social media accounts (more than we’d like to admit). We can work from anywhere and everywhere, so the ability to enliven an environment makes a huge difference in the vibe of any given workday. Enter music. As a self-proclaimed playlist fanatic long before this project, Meghan set out to create a playlist of fresh tunes every month of this year. This is how it turned out.
Here at MMK Creative, there’s never a day that goes by that we don’t count ourselves lucky to have the opportunity to work alongside so many incredible small businesses as they learn and grow. There really is so much that goes on behind the scenes of it all and seeing their hard work come to life never gets old!This holiday season, we’ve gathered a few of our favorite products from the amazing Sonoma-based companies we work with to create our 2019 Holiday Gift Guide full of quality items to gift to the ones you love most.
Sonoma—there’s something about this town. I’m writing in the evening with the windows propped open. Outside, a summer’s day gives way as a backyard dinner grows quiet and the pleas of crickets echo into something like silence. It’s dark except for the moon, which casts shadows, playing tricks with my imagination and the breeze. In the morning, it’s just a short walk to the vineyards where I’ve gotten used to the way that leaves move—disguising themselves—and the colors the grapes make when they’re ready for pressing.
From the moment we first chatted with Laurence McKee, owner of Turning Point Spa, we were excited and expectant for the work we would do together. After the past 8 months of creating a fresh brand identity for her, transforming her website, designing custom collateral pieces such as business cards and brochures, and continuous collaboration on strategic marketing efforts like social media and SEO, Laurence has become such a valued friend and client of ours and we’re excited to share more about her and her awesome brand with you.